Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Kickoff Your New Year The Right Way

Here are some great motivational tips to remember and adopt now and for January to move you toward your fitness goals in the new year!

Empower yourself by taking responsibility for your current state of health. Nothing looks and feels as awesome as getting and looking fit, youthful and in control of your life.

What's holding you back from getting the body and lifestyle you dream about? Here is a common excuse list and what to do about it now.

Boredom? Get your heart and head in the game and get creative with food, exercise and goals. If you don't know how, talk someone who can help.

Poor attitude/Limiting beliefs? Realize sabotaging yourself gets you nowhere except more unhappy. Instead focus on what you REALLY want to achieve your goals. Then take some physical action to get you out of the disempowering mood and physical position. It works every time.

Family or friends unconsciously steering you off course? First of all, NEVER, EVER let others get in your way of your goals and happiness. Second, plan ahead with healthy snacks, healthy choices on the menu, and rehearse what to say or do when you are encouraged to eat unhealthy or do less exercise. Learning to say yes to your health is hard to do when you are on the spot so practice ahead of time to stay out of trouble.

Time? Identify the biggest thieves of your life, health and happiness such as the tv, internet and the phone. Cut these down to a minimum and focus on quick and healthy eating and exercise routines that actually make you feel much better about yourself when your done.

10 minutes a day of planning and execution can be all you need to get yourself going in the right direction.

Stay tuned for more motivational tips next week!

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